Strive Business Magazine

Strive Business Magazine
If you dare to dream!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Strive Business Magazine

Strive Business Magazine

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

1st issue Digital Magazine

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Nov/ Dec 2011 Issue - If you dare to dream!

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Our Objectives

žTo create a vibrant and exciting platform for young people to talk about business, careers and current affairs.
The magazine will cover business stories, discussions and business opportunities that are of interest to the youth.
žTo showcase the strides made by young people in business
The magazine will also profile young successful entrepreneurs and celebrated personalities in and around South Africa. 
žTo create a portal where entrepreneurs share their experiences and knowledge.
The magazine will also facilitate a chat platform between entrepreneurs and the public.
It will also host regular information and discussion sessions where entrepreneurs and business advisers can disseminate information 
žTo provide advertisers with an alternative and relevant advertising media.

Our mission

Inspire & motivate people into entrepreneurship. To develop that inner gift in people to have courage & bravery to pursue their dreams. To empower people with necessesary information to achieve in life. To educate & entertain people on events taking place in & around South Africa.